6 Profitable SME Businesses in Indonesia - Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) are one of the driving forces of the economy in our country. In fact, according to the information I read in various information media, Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) are the 'backbone' of the economy in Indonesia.
Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in our country contribute about 60% of GDP (Gross Domestic Product) and also provide job opportunities for many of our people. So, the SME business in Indonesia will continue to grow and provide profitable business opportunities for those who like the entrepreneurial world.
Of course, all these obstacles and challenges do not stop us from trying to build our own business, because every business will always have its own challenges that must be passed. Now for those of you who want to start your own business, here we summarize some promising Small and Medium Enterprises. We can even run some of them with small capital.
1. Small and Medium Enterprises in the Culinary Sector
Culinary business is a type of business that is profitable and will always be in demand of all time. The reason is because food is a basic human need that cannot be separated from our lives. This culinary business also has many categories, ranging from snacks (snacks), drinks, to staple foods. All categories in this culinary business (snacks, drinks, staple foods) have very good potential, depending on how we market them.
2. Small and Medium Enterprises in Fashion
Similar to the culinary business, the fashion (clothing) business is a promising type of business and has great potential because it will always be sought after by many people. The reason is very simple, clothing is a secondary need for humans, and today's humans have many desires for their fashion. The fashion business has many categories that can be used. For example, the category of men's or women's clothing, Muslim clothing, Korean model clothing, and many more. One of the most successful Muslim fashion businesses is Jilbab Rabbani, which targets a specific target market for Muslim women. Jilbab Rabbani also provides an opportunity for retailers to benefit from selling their products by becoming a reseller.
3. SME Business in Education
Education is an important capital for the development of each generation of a nation. You could say a nation that pays attention to the education of their next generation is a nation that will be successful on all fronts. Education is so important and currently Indonesia still lacks quality educational facilities. Then this can be a promising business opportunity and can be utilized by those who have skills or expertise in certain fields.
4. Small and Medium Enterprises in the Automotive Sector
The development of the automotive world in Indonesia is experiencing very rapid growth. Just look at the increasing number of motorcycles and cars. Of course, this can be a promising business opportunity for those who are keen to take advantage of it. The automotive business does not have to be big, the important thing is that the results are profitable and long-term.
5. SME Business in Agribusiness
You must have heard the song Koes Plus "People say our land is heaven, sticks, wood and stones become plants...". Yes, our country is indeed famous for various plants that are used as food and other necessities. Starting from rice, various vegetables, various fruits, and other important plants. The need for food and vegetable nutrition certainly makes the agribusiness SME business in agriculture will continue to be needed by the Indonesian people. We can even export abroad.
6. SME Business in Technology
Internet It is no secret that the internet provides many profitable business opportunities for the people of Indonesia. Not only for those who already have a REAL business, but also for those who don't have a business. What I mean here is an internet business that is specifically built for long-term internet businesses, or usually called business startups.
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